
Project Overview

How can we improve the experience of a dog owner hiring a pet service?

Go App Pet is a startup based in Brazil, focused on offering pet services in the Netherlands, Brazil, and the USA. Their main feature is to connect dog owners and walkers, but users were registering in the platform and the conversion rate was still low. I could observe the demand for information to create a closer relationship between users. For that, I created a solution introducing a profile and chatbot to help the interactions.

My challenge as a UX Designer was to re-design and improve the interaction between dog owners and walkers, bringing security to customers and expanding dog walkers clients.


UX Researcher, UX Designer & Interaction Designer


Invision, Sketch, Miro, Marvel, Google Forms & Sticky Notes


Market research, Survey, Interviews, User flow, Wireframes, Moodboard, Competitive Analysis, Affinity Mapping, User Journey & Agile Development


1 week UX and 1 week UI

Previous Version

The previous version of 'Go App Pet' on mobile

The previous version of 'Go App Pet' on mobile


Following the design thinking approach, I started applying a survey to gather quantitative and qualitative data in order to find out more information about user challenges and behaviors. To guide my research I focused on the following questions when creating my questions for the online survey and interviews:

From 7 interviews and 34 questionary responses I could identify three main pain points:


Key Insights

I wrote the most significant findings from the research in sticky notes and grouped them accordingly to identify pain points and define a clear problem to solve

key-insights affinity-diagram


To bring data into life, I developed personas to represent my users and ground future design decisions.

Jane - Dog owner


Desire - Dog walker


User Journey

To understand and address customer needs, pain points, and opportunities. I created the journey map of my primary persona, the dog owner.


Problem Statement

To define my problem, through my data from the research phase, I used the techniques of Jobs to be done and how might we, to explain clearly the problem, that you are going to solve it.


Design Decisions

After the research two main solutions were designed and tested. The first improvement was made by adding a profile for dog walkers, providing more information for owners when choosing a professional. The second major change was the addition of a chatbot. Now users can interact and Go App Bot will help them from hiring until the walking reports. I also introduced a different flow for walkers and owners, this way we can focus on features for each persona.

Implementing those changes we could achieve users and business goals. Follow the ideation and creation process in the steps below.

mockup1 mockup2

User Flow

Today the current app has no differentiation between dog owners and walkers and identifying this helped me to improve the experiences for each persona.

userflow-owner userflow-walker

Paper Prototype

Time to Ideate, and with the paper prototype I conduct guerrilla tests, building, testing and visualizing flows on prototypes.



On my mid-fidelity prototype, I tried to structure my design, which helped me to get feedback from the interactions and decisions quickly.


High Fidelity Prototype

The MVP solution was to get owner and dog walkers closer and centralize the actions inside a chat, using a bot as the brand point of contact.
Try prototype

Dog Owner Screen


Dog Walker Screen




Feedback & Next steps…

Conducting a usability test on the current application, I was able to understand that the flow was not efficient, and users were looking for more information before hiring a service. Based on data and tests I could come up with a successful solution to better connect users and professionals, which was the main pain point we discovered during research.

To create a design that could be developed in the future, it was essential to be aligned with developers during all processes, validating each step until the final solution. Now the project has been presented as a prototype for future investors, aiming to raise funds for the 2.0 implementation.

Next Project

